TRUE ISLAM. True Islam is derived from the Quran and not from the traditions or cultures of Muslim people.
is being manufactured as a tool of public manipulation.
It did not increase after the September 11th terrorist attacks.
But it increased before elections and running up to the Iraq war.
ISLAMOPHOBIA got worse with time by media sentiment toward a war that many
Americans in the end thought was a mistake.
2013-2015- Berkeley report
•ISLAMOPHOBIA is an industry. Access to 200M dollars. These organizations
manufacture hate (misinformation and fear about Islam and Muslims)
There is ISLAMOPHOBIA because there is an industry that manufactures it.
There is also ISLAMOPHOBIA because of a media bias:
80% of coverage of Islam in US media was negative.
73% of North Korea news coverage was negative media.
Islam has a worst media presence than North Korea. With that kind of media
bias- the question is why isn't there more of it...??? Despite the toxic waste-
the public practices a level of critical thinking and compassion that helps
avert the full impact of the media's intentions...
Over the past 25 years, the NYT portrayed Islam/Muslims more negatively than
they did cancer and cocaine.
There is ISLAMOPHOBIA because there is a bias media. . . .
1 in 5 Muslims report experiencing regular discrimination.
Only 38% say they haven't experienced ANY in the last year.
It is only a minority of Muslims who have not experience discrimination.
Who is most vulnerable among Muslims when it comes to discrimination? Muslim women, and people
without a college education.
ISLAMOPHOBIA and anti Semitism are linked. Having anti-Jewish sentiment
made you FAR more likely to have anti Muslim sentiment.
ISLAMOPHOBIA is a threat to ALL because studies show it also opens the door to
the bigotry.
ISLAMOPHOBIA opens the door for other kinds of bigotry.
They wanted to divide us-- they ended up joining all of us.
-we must boycott the news media sites. If every Muslim did this. And we
had a centralized Muslim and pro truth coverage - which also incorporated and
blueprinted the nbc and abc news outlets - so they don't feel like they are
missing what the major new broadcasts are showing - but are getting it in an
unbiased way--- then voila..
We just need funding to begin this national broadcasting service. We need
a major channel. But those dam cbs and nbc channels are all controlled by the
bastards. There must be another way.....
How we get news coverage from all around the world ? By featuring videos and
news from independent journalists. We support their dreams as independent
journalists. And we get unbiased coverage - a win win business agreement.
According to neuroscience research, Fear makes us more accepting of
ISLAMOPHOBIA increased terrorist rhetoric. Their rhetoric is that there is an
inherit conflict that cannot be resolved - because the west is inherently
anti-Muslim - to them the only solution is to Fight.
•such media ISLAMOPHOBIA falls to their narrative. And makes us all less
safe. And those who feel discrimination may then begin listening to such
extremist rhetoric.
MUSLIMS today are the "canary in the coal
mine". Muslims may be the first to feel it, but the hate is hurting us
100 years ago it was against Catholics.
-questioning their loyalty to the USA
-"can they really be loyal to the constitution when they look to a foreign
-entire political parties were born around this anti-Catholic sentiment, banning religious garb (see "The Blaine Amendment"), now used again
Muslims & Sikhs (see "State v. Dhaliwal").
Muslims are the most ethnically diverse religious community in America. It is
the only religious community with no religious race.
Muslims are also the most-likely faith group to reject military attacks on
civilians. Muslims are NOT more prone to violence against citizens or military
Closing down American mosques to make people safer is exactly opposite the
truth. People who attend mosques are linked to GREATER civil engagement.
People aren't getting radicalized in mosques. They are getting radicalized
through the internet - self alienation.
Does being a strong Muslim make u feel less connected? This is what we hear. But
it is actually the exact opposite. People with a strong Muslim identity were
far more likely (than those with a weak identity) to feel connected to society
-- being pious makes you a more concerned and interactive citizen.
Copyright Global Muslim Peace Movement