The Global Muslim Peace Movement aims to embolden the true identity of Islam. Influential Muslim voices - representing the true Message and excellence of Islam - will form the cabinet of GMPM as the legitimate voice and source of what Islam does and does not stand for, in the name of the 1+ billion Muslims across the world.
The Global Muslim Peace Movement will:
• Unite scholars of Islam and renown Muslims as one to form a board of committees.
• Serve as the centralized voice for current events and opinions concerning Muslims and Islam's representation.
From religious views expressing and defining the "Excellence of Islam" to current domestic and international social and political affairs, to Islamic social justice views condemning the acts of ISIS, the Orlando shooting, and all future terror acts in the purported name of Islam, to a centralized re-creation of the Muslim identity in the West via the creation of a new proactive identity of Muslims in America.
Beyond GPMP serving as the true representation of what Islam embodies, additional endeavors will be the identity of Muslims in politics, the displaying of Muslim stories and diaries by fellow artists, film-makers, and authors reconciling the true message of Islam through the life experiences they share both abroad and here in the West.
The minute you start thinking for yourself, the second you start re-naming your environment, you start creating new realities. When you can form a new reality you're not oppressed. There is no way that you can be enslaved, oppressed, imprisoned. If all the inmates in prison would agree, just agree, if all the inmates in prison would agree that we're not in prison, we're in college. The entire judicial system would collapse. The judicial system is based on the fact that we agree with their terms. We agree that prison is a place you don't want to be. "I'm stumped here in prison"... did you read Malcolm X? He found himself in a place where you're supposed to lose yourself. If we would just agree with each other, we create new realities. This is what hip hop is at it's core. The core is through perception: what we call things, how we look at things. We create the reality that we want now. - KRS-ONE, Hip Hop metaphysics)
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Cabinet BOARD OF chairs(more Names to come!)
The oppression of Muslim women comes from the nations and politics of these Muslims nations and their judicial and legislative rulings instilling such lifestyles MUCH MORE than it comes from the interpretations of Qur'anic (and Sunnah/Hadith) texts. Facts and non-fictional presentations by fellow Muslim scholars, authors, and journalists prove furthermore that the religion of Islam does not promote nor engage in the oppression of women - and such sincere truths are reinforced by speakers - championing wholesomely and constructively what Islam means to them, as Muslim women.
Copyright Global Muslim Peace Movement